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2024-01-17 20:00    来源:出国留学吧       阅读量:84








"Graded"是一个英语单词,意思是“分级的”、“评分的”。在教育领域中,我们经常会听到“graded assignment”(分级作业)、“graded exam”(评分考试)等词语。这些词语都指的是在学生的学习过程中,通过对学生的表现进行评分,来确定他们的学习成绩和水平。在工作场所中,我们也会听到“graded performance”(绩效评分)等词语,这些词语指的是对员工的工作表现进行评分,以便于管理者更好地了解员工的工作能力和表现。总体来说,"graded"这个词语在各个领域中都有着重要的意义,它帮助我们更好地了解和评估事物的水平和质量。

graded reader

题目:What is a graded reader?

A graded reader is a book that has been specially designed for language learners. These books are written in a simplified language, with a limited vocabulary and grammar structures that are appropriate for the learner's level. The books are graded according to the level of difficulty, ranging from beginner to advanced.

Graded readers are an excellent tool for language learners as they provide an opportunity to improve their reading skills while also learning new vocabulary and grammar structures. They are also a great way to build confidence in reading as learners can choose books that are appropriate for their level and gradually work their way up to more challenging texts.

Graded readers are available in a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and even classic literature. They are also available in different formats, such as audio books and e-books, making them accessible to learners of all ages and abilities.

Overall, graded readers are an essential part of any language learner's toolkit. They provide an enjoyable and effective way to improve reading skills and language proficiency.

graded easily

Grading is an essential part of the education system. It helps teachers evaluate students' performance and progress, and it also provides students with feedback on their learning. However, grading can be a challenging task for teachers, as it requires a lot of time and effort to grade each student's work fairly and accurately.

One way to make grading easier is to establish clear and specific grading criteria. Teachers should communicate their expectations to students and provide them with rubrics or grading scales that outline the criteria for each assignment. This can help students understand what they need to do to earn a specific grade and can also make grading more objective and consistent.

Another way to make grading easier is to use technology. There are many online tools and software programs available that can help teachers grade assignments more efficiently. For example, some programs can automatically grade multiple-choice questions, while others can provide feedback on writing assignments.

Finally, teachers can also make grading easier by breaking down larger assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help teachers avoid feeling overwhelmed and can also help students stay on track and focused on their work.

In conclusion, grading is an important but challenging task for teachers. However, by establishing clear grading criteria, using technology, and breaking down assignments into smaller tasks, teachers can make grading easier and more efficient.





