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2023-10-17 02:00    来源:出国留学吧       阅读量:103





Jumping rope is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. The English word for jumping rope is "skipping". Skipping is a popular activity for children and adults alike. It is a great way to improve cardiovascular health, coordination, and endurance.

To skip, all you need is a rope and a flat surface to jump on. You can start by holding the rope handles and jumping over the rope as it swings under your feet. As you get more comfortable, you can try different techniques, such as jumping on one foot, crossing your arms, or doing double unders (jumping twice for each rope swing).

Skipping can be done alone or with a group of friends. It is a fun way to challenge yourself and others while getting a great workout. So grab a rope and start skipping today!


Skipping rope is a popular form of exercise that involves jumping over a rope while it is being swung. In English, skipping rope is also known as jump rope or skipping. The word "jump" is pronounced as /dʒʌmp/ and the word "rope" is pronounced as /roʊp/. Therefore, the correct pronunciation of "jump rope" is /dʒʌmp roʊp/. The word "skipping" is pronounced as /ˈskɪpɪŋ/. So, the correct pronunciation of "skipping rope" is /ˈskɪpɪŋ roʊp/.

Skipping rope is a great cardiovascular workout that can help improve coordination, balance, and endurance. It can be done alone or with a group of friends, making it a fun and social activity. There are many different types of skipping rope exercises that can be done, from basic jumps to more advanced moves like double unders and criss-crosses.

To get started with skipping rope, all you need is a rope and some space to jump. It is important to choose a rope that is the right length for your height, as this will make it easier to jump without tripping. You should also wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and make sure to warm up before starting your workout.

In conclusion, skipping rope is a fun and effective way to stay fit and healthy. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced jumper, there are many different ways to challenge yourself and improve your skills. So grab a rope and start skipping today!




