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2023-09-21 15:00    来源:出国留学吧       阅读量:86



Featured 是一个英文单词,意为“特色的”、“突出的”、“精选的”。在网站或杂志等媒体中,通常会有一个“Featured”栏目,用来展示特别推荐或精选的内容。这些内容可能是最新的、最受欢迎的、最有价值的或最具代表性的,可以是文章、图片、视频等形式。通过“Featured”栏目,读者可以更快速地了解到最重要的信息,同时也可以更深入地了解到网站或杂志的主题和风格。因此,作为一名写手,如果想要自己的作品出现在“Featured”栏目中,就需要尽可能地提高文章的质量和独特性,吸引编辑的注意力。同时,也需要多关注并学习“Featured”栏目中的内容,了解读者的需求和喜好,以便更好地满足他们的需求。



Featured in是指某个人或事物被特别推荐或介绍在某个媒体或平台上。这种推荐通常是基于其独特性、创新性或引人注目的特点。被featured in可以为个人或品牌带来更多的曝光和关注度,同时也可以加强其在市场上的竞争力。

在当今数字化的时代,被featured in的方式也越来越多样化。例如,一个人可以通过社交媒体平台上的推荐或标签获得featured in,也可以通过博客、网站、杂志、电视节目等媒体形式获得featured in。对于企业来说,被featured in可以是在行业内的领先地位、产品创新等方面获得认可和推荐,从而提高品牌知名度和市场份额。

总之,被featured in是一种有价值的市场营销手段,它可以让个人和企业在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出,吸引更多的关注和客户,从而实现商业成功。




Featured food refers to a dish or ingredient that is highlighted or promoted by a restaurant, chef or food publication. It can be a seasonal ingredient, a new dish on the menu or a classic dish that is given a unique twist. Featuring a particular food item is a way to draw attention to it and showcase its flavor, texture and versatility.

Restaurants often feature local and sustainable ingredients to support the community and promote environmental responsibility. Chefs may also feature a particular ingredient to challenge themselves creatively and offer diners a unique culinary experience. Food publications may feature a food item to introduce readers to new flavors and cooking techniques.

Featured food can also be a great way to explore different cultures and cuisines. Restaurants may feature a dish from a particular region or country to give diners a taste of its traditional cuisine. Food publications may feature recipes from different cultures to encourage readers to try new foods and broaden their culinary horizons.

Overall, featuring a particular food item is a way to celebrate its flavor and highlight its importance in the culinary world. Whether it's a seasonal ingredient, a classic dish or a new creation, featured food offers a way to explore new flavors and appreciate the diversity of the food world.





