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excuse怎么读(excuse me的发音是什么)

2023-08-23 23:30    来源:出国留学吧       阅读量:97


excuse怎么读(excuse me的发音是什么)


Excuse me, what did you say? Could you please repeat that?

Excuse me can be used in many different situations. It can be used to apologize for interrupting someone or to get someone's attention. It can also be used to ask someone to repeat what they said if you didn't hear them clearly.

For example, if you're in a noisy environment and someone is talking to you, you might say "Excuse me, what did you say?" to ask them to repeat themselves. Or if you accidentally bump into someone on the street, you might say "Excuse me" as a way of apologizing.

In general, using "excuse me" is a polite way of communicating with others. It shows that you're respectful of their time and space and that you're willing to listen to what they have to say. So the next time you're in a conversation and need to interrupt or ask for clarification, remember to use "excuse me" to show that you're being considerate.

excuse me怎么读

Excuse me, 如何回答?

当我们在公共场合,比如超市、餐厅、地铁等地方需要询问别人问题时,常常会用到“Excuse me”这个短语。那么,当别人对我们说“Excuse me”时,我们应该如何回答呢?

首先,我们需要明白“Excuse me”这个短语的含义。它可以表示请求别人的注意或者打扰了别人,也可以表示道歉或者请求别人让路。因此,我们的回答应该根据具体情况而定。

如果别人对我们说“Excuse me”是为了请求我们的帮助或者询问我们的意见,我们可以回答“Sure”、“Of course”、“What can I do for you?”等等,表示我们愿意帮助他们。

如果别人对我们说“Excuse me”是为了让我们让路或者让他们通过,我们可以回答“Sorry”、“Excuse me”、“Sure”等等,表示我们理解他们的请求并愿意配合。

如果我们误伤了别人或者犯了错,别人对我们说“Excuse me”是为了提醒我们,我们应该立刻道歉并表示感谢,比如说“Sorry, my mistake”、“Thank you for reminding me”等等。

总之,回答“Excuse me”要根据具体情况而定,表达出我们的理解和配合,并且尽可能礼貌和友好。这样才能让我们在社交场合中得到更好的交流体验。


Excuses are a common way for people to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. However, making excuses can often lead to negative consequences, such as damaging relationships or missing out on opportunities.

One common excuse is blaming others for our mistakes. We may say things like, "It's not my fault, my boss didn't give me enough time to finish the project," or "I couldn't go to the party because my friend cancelled on me at the last minute." While it may be true that others have contributed to our situation, ultimately it is our responsibility to take ownership of our actions and find a way to move forward.

Another excuse is procrastination. We may say things like, "I'll start working on that project tomorrow," or "I'll go to the gym next week." However, procrastination only leads to increased stress and anxiety, and often results in poor performance or missed deadlines. Instead, we should prioritize our tasks and take action as soon as possible.

Finally, fear is another common excuse. We may say things like, "I'm not good enough to apply for that job," or "I can't speak in public, I'll just let someone else do it." However, fear only holds us back from achieving our goals and reaching our full potential. Instead, we should face our fears head-on and take calculated risks to grow and develop as individuals.

In conclusion, making excuses only serves to hinder our growth and progress. By taking responsibility for our actions, avoiding procrastination, and facing our fears, we can overcome obstacles and achieve success in all areas of our lives.

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